Monday, August 5, 2013

MEAL 1- SUNDAY 7/28/2013- Foodlife + Mitynice

 Since we have to plan our meals according to utilize the coupons as efficiently as we can. Our first meal naturally had to include these two establishments that are right next to each other, and can supply us a good amount/variety of food for a meal.

Coupons Used:
1- Foodlife $5 coupon (no minimum required)
2- Mitynice $10 coupon (no minimum required)
Note: For the Mitynice coupons, we ordered individually for pickup so to avoid tip, and allow for usage of both coupons.

What did we get:

1- Specialty Soup Bowl from Foodlife. At $7.99, you get to try all the soups, and unlimited refills. I will never understood why parents allow their 2 young children to each get their own cup of New England Clam Chowder. As you can tell, I'm the sort of guy to go to Five Guys, and share a soda.

Gumbo (comes with Rice+cornbread)
Shrimp Bisque I remember? With Tortilla Chips from the Salad
1- Acapulco Salad from Mitynice ($14)
1- Green Chili Chicken Nachos ($10)

If there's one thing I learnt here, is to never order nachos to go ever again. The last thing you want is soggy clumped together tortilla chips. The salad on the other hand is not bad. Solid chicken.

Acapulco Salad- Chicken is edible

Nachos to go is not a good idea.
Total Spent:
(Note that one of the awesome things about this scratchoff, is that tax is added post discount, so my nachos were FREE)
Mitynice: $4.42 
Foodlife: $1.69 (Our $5 scratchoff ended being $7- so booyah!)

TOTAL: $6.11 

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